In today’s episode, you’ll learn:
- What self-sabotage is.
- Why self-sabotage is an action you take, not a circumstance or thing that happens TO you.
- The three big ways that you may be sabotaging yourself.
- How I make my negative emotions less negative.
- How to figure out just WHY you’re engaging in self-sabotage.
- How to end the spiral of self-sabotage and giving up on your goals.
Daisy, could you do a podcast on how to get the most from a seminar. I’ve had some poor experiences with seminars which have led me to avoid them. After listening to the podcast on self-sabotage, I decided to try attending an upcoming seminar (in May). Self-sabotage in this case being avoiding a situation which may be helpful to me because of those darn unpleasant CERs left over from previous seminars. The seminar giver has been here before and gotten good reviews, so there should be a good chance I will get something from it. The type of thing I’m looking for is What’s a good way to handle advice I don’t totally buy into? Discuss or ignore? How to help myself accept advice when I feel defensive? Is it better to have a working spot or audit? If this doesn’t fit the type of topic you want to cover in a podcast, that’s fine. Maybe there’s some other area of the agility challenge where the discussion would be more appropriate. I can see where some of the previous podcasts have thoughts that would be helpful. I prefer to not have my name mentioned. Thanks.
Great topic for a future podcast!