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  • Episode 17: Taking Credit For Your Accomplishments

Episode 17: Taking Credit For Your Accomplishments

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • Why taking credit for your accomplishments is important
  • How to make sure you talk about yourself win a way that doesn’t undermine your confidence and self image
  • When self-deprecation is harmless, and when it’s unhealthy
  • The four main reasons we find it so hard to accept a compliment

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  • Daisy, this podcast just hit home this past weekend. My 2yo wocker, Count, and I did an international handling seminar over the weekend. Count is well trained and did really well, considering he is just over 2.
    This was the first time we attended a seminar with this trainer. The trainer was extremely complimentary of my handling on his very technical courses. I knew we could do them, so I wasn’t surprised that Count followed my handling.
    When I look at the videos, I see an old fat lady sending her wonderful dog around the fabulous course, lovely lines, and trying to stay ahead! The trainer, however, was saying to me, I have never seen you before, your handling is amazing, you are so very good, wonderful things out there.
    .. my reaction afterwards was .. after watching the videos, he’s just being kind, he wants me to feel good about this seminar.. I know what I’m doing but I’m not that good… I’ve never had this reaction to compliments before, however, his effusiveness surprised me.
    So ! Thank you for your timely podcast. The seminar really boosted my confidence! And I have a different perspective about it because of your podcast.
    I just had to share this with you!

    • It sounds like you had a great weekend with a lot of learning! I know that as a seminar presenter myself, if I am giving out a lot of praise, it is well deserved, and should be taken in the spirit in which it is delivered. My guess is that you ALSO got a lot of helpful feedback – and being able to say “thank you” in response to those compliments, rather than being prepared to argue them, helps keep your brain open and ready to receive that feedback!! I’m so glad that this episode was helpful for you!

  • In the same vein, I try to find something went well in someone else’s run to compliment. This especially supportive if there were some struggles. I also try remind myself what went well in my own run. Compliment my team—the dog and handler. Some days it must be pretty low level success!

    • Thank you for this – complimenting others is such a wonderful way to appreciate their efforts, especially if you have been through similar struggles at some point yourself (and haven’t we all?).

  • I am really enjoying this podcast series. I listen to them when I do my stretching. There is so much good information in them! I am looking forward to listening to this one as well. It feels so nourishing to my mind and body when I pair my stretching routine and listening to these great topics. I love it.

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